And most importantly… nobody telling us what to do!
Then reality
Bills. Schedules. Endless to-do lists. With no manual for managing adult life. Honestly? We wish someone would tell us what to do now… and how to do it…
Every new level of adulting just unlocks more chaos.
#1 Moving out
Rent, bills, and forgetting trash day (again).
#2 Living with people
Why is it always me doing the dishes?!
#3 Buying a home
Surprise! The water heater just died.
#4 Having kids
Their schedules (and energy levels) are crazier than yours.
You’re squished between tasks, bills, obligations, and oh! You need to call the repairman… What’s the number again???
Thestruggleis real (and you're not alone).
And the kicker? With more technology than ever, you’d think there’d be a digital home organizer to make life easier. But instead, we’re drowning in apps, lists, sticky notes, and a mental load that never quits.
42% of people say adulting is harder than they anticipated.
Adulthood Across Generations, Life Happens, Sept. 2024
People like Sara.
A mom juggling work, kids, an explosion of tasks, and forgetting things like it’s her job. On top of that, her family never checks thefridge calendar and she’s sick of it.
And Ravi.
Killing it at work, but at home? The home maintenance reminders are piling up, the electricity bill is overdue, and yep, he missed recycling day… again (Thursdays, always Thursdays!).
And Tanya.
Wife, dog mom, and one “Babe where are my keys?” away from losing it. Her brain is overwhelmed by family plans, vet visits, chores—but things are slipping through the cracks lately and her to-do list isn’t cutting it.
Let's be real. Adulting isa lotharder than it used to be.
Even with more technology than any other time in human history, adult life is harder than ever.
How did we get virtual reality, self-driving cars, and delivery by drones before we got technology that actually makes our daily lives easier?!
71% of people agreed that it’s harder to be an adult now than it was 30 years ago.
Adulthood Across Generations, Life Happens, Sept. 2024
71% of people agreed that it’s harder to be an adult now than it was 30 years ago.
Adulthood Across Generations, Life Happens, Sept. 2024
Home life is a full-time job—but without a salary, sick days, or an “off” button.
So let’s face it…
Adulting kinda sucks.
But don’t worry, we have good news!
eeva makes adultingeasier.
Meet eeva: the best home management app designed to reduce mental load and bring all the moving pieces of life into one household planning tool.
"Powerful functionality, sleek design, life-changing platform. You’ve created something that will have a real impact on people’s daily lives."
"eeva is like a second brain for your home—unload your mind and enjoy life."
"The design is intuitive and strikes a nice balance between being simple and having robust functionality."
"To say I love eeva is an understatement. eeva has streamlined so many different aspects in my life into this one app. I don’t know where it’s been all my life!"
Keeps my life in order. Very good app, I love the layout and everything I can do with it! Helps me keep organized!!
Ready to take eeva for a test drive?
Try all of eeva’s features free for 30 days. Invite your household to join your account Only get charged after the trial.