eeva hits Collision 2024… for the last time in Toronto!

Toronto, Ontario — June 21, 2024

Guess what, folks? eeva just rocked Collision 2024 in Toronto for the grand finale of this tech-tastic event in the city. And boy, was it a whirlwind of fun! We sweat, we chatted, we got tatted (temporarily), snapped a gazillion pics, interviewed passionate peeps, and met some seriously awesome people!

eeva’s Co-Founders Adrienne and Jarrod with the iconic Collision Toronto sign.

Day 2 was our moment to shine - it was eeva's exhibition day! Our booth? Total embodiment of eeva: playful, fun, and unexpected. Our big poster read “Life’s chaos got you down? We got an app for that” and it stopped a lot of people in their tracks, curious to know more.

And people loved it! We were buzzing non-stop, chatting about eeva with hundreds of people and smashing our waitlist sign-up goals.

The eeva booth in all its glory.

And let's not forget our superstar CEO Adrienne Jung, who dazzled the crowd with two epic pitches on stage. 

The reactions to eeva overall? Pure gold – loads of lightbulb moments and 'Whoa, this exists?!'. Check out these highlights from our time at Collision:

  • Selected as one of Quebec’s top 8 startups

  • Chosen as one of Collision’s Showcases for showcasing new and innovative technologies

  • A shoutout from Christopher Skeete, Quebec's Minister of the Economy, who loves our product and plans to use it with his wife!

  • Another shoutout from a journalist who dubbed us “the best product at Collision.”

  • Our waitlist grew by 25% in just 8 hours – so if you’re not on it yet, what are you waiting for? 

  • We kicked off dozens of conversations about investment and partnership opportunities

  • Our TEAM! Absolute rockstars, powering through three busy days, getting creative, and stepping out of their comfort zones to stand out.

Adrienne pitches eeva on stage at Collision.

So, what’s next? Well, Collision announced a rebrand to Web Summit Vancouver for next year... looks like we'll be swapping our car ride for a flight from Montreal!

We're beyond ecstatic about eeva’s wild success at this year's event, and trust us, we’re STILL only getting started!

About eeva

eeva is redefining home management through cutting-edge technology and user-centric design, making managing your home as intuitive as clicking a button. Located in the heart of Montreal, eeva is committed to innovative solutions and passionate about improving the quality of life in households everywhere.

About Collision

Rebranded to Web Summit Vancouver, this conference has been described by Politico as “The Olympics of tech.” It is one of the fastest growing tech conferences in North America, bringing together startups, investors, partners, speakers, and general attendees for a dynamic and exciting event.


eeva joins the Dobson Entrepreneur X-1 Accelerator at McGill