eeva’s 6 Practical Tips to Balance Home and Work for Busy People

A busy street crosswalk with a crowd of people motion blurred.

Hey homies,

(Get it? Homies, because you manage your home? It’s fine, we’re just trying something out…)

We know you, you’re a ~busy person~ and you could use some help with your busy life. We got you. But hold on a sec.

There’s this age old problem we’re all quite aware of already: work-life balance. You work long hours and struggle to keep your personal life in check. It’s a frantic cycle that feels never-ending. We feel you. But there’s a key element here that not a lot of people talk about directly, yet a lot of people deal with constantly. This isn’t a riddle by the way, unless you want it to be! 

The hidden issue is that you’re not just balancing life and work, you’re juggling life, work AND home. 

Managing your home is a part-time job, isn’t it? Think about it for a second. On top of personal appointments, errands, social gatherings that all make up the “life” part of this equation, you also have chores, system checks, renovations, family needs, yearly servicing requirements, etc. You get the gist.

Yeah it’s chaotic right? Well you’re in luck, because Work-life-home balance is our whole raison d’être.

So we’ve put together these 6 practical tips to help you balance home and work for all you busy people out there. 

1. Keep cool and find ways to manage stress

When you’re feeling completely overwhelmed by everything on your plate, which might happen a lot, you need a solid strategy to reduce stress and anxiety and cultivate balance — in a way that works for YOU. So here are some of our stress relieving tips to inspire you: 

  • Breathe deeply and remember you can do anything
  • Talk out your issue with a loved one
  • Choose an image, a place, or a memory that feels peaceful to you. Remember it when you’re stressed
  • Take a short walk without your phone, focusing on the fresh air and natural wonders around you
  • Write down everything you have to do and categorize it by life area, so it’s out of your head
  • Do something your inner child would enjoy! Dance around, draw something, play a game.


2. Leave your home problems at home and your work problems at work

There are loads of tips for work-life balance out there, but here’s a fresh take: Use your commuting time wisely. Whether you read books, listen to music, or scroll on your phone, use this time to intentionally let go of what happened at home on your way to work, and then leave what happened at work as you head home for the day. Make that intentional decision to create healthy boundaries between your two important life areas DURING your commute — literally imagine yourself crossing a bridge from one realm to another. It can be a simple yet powerful practice that improves your quality of life. Keep them at a healthy distance for a healthy mind.

3. Focus on cultivating personal wellness

While you certainly have a lot of people depending on you, from your family to your coworkers to your lovely pet, there is one person that depends on you most: YOU. The more you practice good self-care, the more you fill your own cup, the better you can show up for the people in your life. Your personal wellness might include doing things you enjoy, choosing a fun project to create, watching your favourite movies or dancing to your favourite tunes, taking a long shower, or cooking a delicious meal. Whatever it is that makes you feel good, do that. This is such a crucial self-care tip for life: do things that feel good! And that inspires others to do the same.

3. Reduce your work stress by spending time with family and friends

When you’re not at work, you’re not at work — so keep it that way! If there are things from your day that needs to be processed, do that, but be mindful of bringing too much of your work stress home with you. What can you do instead? Perhaps you can reorient your attention to your loved ones. Spend time with your family and friends. Make a rule that you can only talk about work for X minutes, and then move on to other things. Find new topics to discuss! Find new things to do! It’s not only to distract you, it’s to remind you that there’s so much more to life than work. 

4. Ask for help around the house

Rally your roommates, your family, your partner, or your friends (maybe not your dog though…) and ask if they can help out with some things on your to-do list. Declutter your home with the help of your friends! Remember that the more help you get, the faster you can all get to the fun stuff. Be honest, tell them you’re feeling overwhelmed and that you can help them out whenever they’re feeling the same way. You’re in this adulting thing together after all!

5. Find better ways to manage your busy schedule

Whether you prefer calendars, to-do lists, kanban boards, or good ol’ post-it notes, we have one thing to say: You need a better way to manage your busy schedule. What if we were to tell you that there was a one-stop-shop for your calendar, reminders, contacts, to-do lists, appointments, DIY project planning, family needs, appliance warranties, and so much more?

Well that’s eeva. eeva helps you manage your home AND your time! Your life, really. See? We told you that Work-life-home balance was our thing. Sign up for our newsletter to receive the latest updates, and give eeva a go for free today!


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